Future-proof your Business by
Building ADA Website Design
Increases Target Audience
With over a billion people with disabilities across the globe and nearly 56 million in the USA alone, you do not wish to lose out on the wider customer base by building non-compliant web designs. By easing the navigation on your website, these people will find your website more accessible and visit your website often for their needs. This builds a brand reputation in the market and also increases your target audience base. They would prefer to choose you over the competitors as you have reduced their hindrances in accessing the website which otherwise used to cause lots of difficulties.
Equitable Use
Equitability is one of our strongest drivers for website design. We design to cater to the needs of everyone even to people with disabilities. We consider all the users and focus on improving the overall experience them. Our UI/UX designers are strongly empathetic to the needs of all and make their designs appealing to everyone. Our web design services do not stigmatize any user and hence we rightfully design the website with appropriate color contrasts and font sizes. We do not compromise on the aesthetic appeal of the website in the process of making it accessible to everyone.
Intuitive Websites
Simple and intuitive web design is our forte. With the ease of navigation, we make our website designs to help the user traverse from one web page to another intuitively, thereby amplifying the overall user experience. We declutter the web page, reduce the unnecessary complexities, thereby easing the mental and cognitive loads on the users. We also maintain consistency throughout the web pages to align with the user’s expectations and intuition. With effective call-to-action (CTA) and prompting, the users find the information they are looking for easily and improve their interactivity.
Augment SEO Efforts
An accessible website would have positive spin-on effects on SEO as well. Search engines are now evolving and have the capacity to crawl pages with more human intention. By making your web designs ADA compliant, we are indirectly making optimizing the website for better usability and performance. All the elements are also as per the W3C guidelines which have a positive impact on the SEO as well. By making the websites accessible, more people would visit your website and also stay on for a longer time. This makes the search engines mark your website as trustworthy.
Enormous Flexibility
We respect a wide range of individual preferences and abilities - both temporary and permanent, physical as well as cognitive. We design to accommodate all the users by chalking out a dynamic and flexible design. We take individual preferences into account and design customizable and adaptable designs. The users would be having the steering wheel and would be more in control of their experience on your website. They would be free to choose how they will be using the product.
Build Brand Reputation
Putting an effort to make your website ADA compliant is a great way to make a positive press for your business due to the fact that your customers will feel that they are valuable to your business operation. Making your website ADA compliant will set you apart from the rest of your competitors. Your customers understand your value that increases your reputation. The fact that you have taken additional efforts to design ADA compliant websites shows that you care about inclusion and people with disabilities surely appreciate your efforts. The word-of-mouth marketing works in your favor and even future-proof your brand
Better Website Usability
A website that you can navigate through easily will benefit not only the disabled but also the non-disabled. ADA compliant websites are more likely to convert leads because the users are assured that they will be able to find the content that they are looking for without difficulty. By making your website design ADA compliant, we ensure effortless navigation and user-friendliness that enables users with disabilities to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Broaden Market Penetration & Leads
Inaccessible websites exclude around 15-20% of potential clients which is a whopping 56 million Americans! Conversely, if you make your site accessible, you broaden your market penetration. Endeavouring for web accessibility boosts your revenue sales and your brand's visibility on the web. By broadening your market penetration, you are ultimately driving in more traffic to your website. The end result is that you will get more qualified leads who are eager to come back. They repose more faith in your products and services displayed on your website and likely to come back.
Avoid Penalties
Building an inaccessible website wouldn’t spare anyone from facing legal actions. The ADA rules laid down by the Department of Justice are enforceable and can drag you to the court. In order to avoid legal penalties, all updated pages on your website are required to be at least a grade A complaint, with grade AAA being the highest. We have been making our website design and development at least AA compliant to avoid any sort of litigation. We make it effortless for people with disabilities to use your websites and save you from the possible hassles of legal lawsuits.